200 Hours Yoga

200 Hours Yoga

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

Learn, Teach & Get Inspired.

Yog Power International is running a 200-hour yoga teacher training course. Highly trained teachers conduct this course. You can avail of the certification benefit. The course is conducted by highly experienced teachers and prepares you professionally to teach students. Yog Power International teaches core principles and philosophical and traditional yoga. Ideal for yoga novices, it covers an introduction to the study of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It includes theoretical and practical experiences of the principles of yoga asanas, pranayama’s, kriyas, and bandhas. theory and practices, we also include anatomy and physiology classes with yoga experts.

Yog Power International has the best 200-hour yoga teacher training course, both online and offline.

Teachers Training Course 200 Hours

200-Hour Teacher Training Course

Learn, teach, and get inspired..
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Total Days: 90 days
  • 200 Hours
  • Venue: online course (live sessions) or offline course (at the studio)
  • 3 hours of exclusive training sessions with master teachers
  • Participants will get a PDF or book.
  • An expert panel of teachers and masters will be available 24/7 for all queries and assistance.
  • Special hours are to be dedicated for theory study, assignments, and self-practice.
  • 2 hours to be dedicated per day for training through live sessions.
  • Practitioners will receive guidance on how to complete their 200-hour training.
  • There is growing enthusiasm and interest among yoga practitioners across the globe.
  • It is a great advantage for people all over the world who wish to be trained in yoga.


Yog Power International is conducting a 200-hour yoga teacher training course. Our purpose is to produce qualified and inspiring yoga teachers who can practice and follow discipline in their lives and help others so people can get benefits.

Yoga Philosophy

  • What is yoga in history?
  • Aim for yoga.
  • What is yoga?

Yoga Anatomy

  • Introduction to all systems of our body.
  • The effects of asanas and pranayama on the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and skeletal and muscular systems.
  • Yoga benefits our all-body system.

Types of yoga

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Astrang yoga
  • Prop yoga
  • Hot yoga
  • Nitya yoga
  • Therapeutic yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga


  • The 60 above are basic, advanced postures.
  • Practice of classical and advanced asana variations.
  • Daily online practice.
  • Prolonged holding of the asanas.
  • Deeper understanding of the form of Asana.

Surya Namaskar series

  • 11 types of pranayama
  • Basic pranayama
  • Advanced pranayama’s
  • Nadis.
  • Types of bandhas.


  • What is meditation?
  • How to prepare our minds for meditation
  • Concentration and thought power daily practice

Types of meditation.

  • How to heal our mind with mantra meditation.
  • Yog Nidra.
  • Savasana.


  • This is helping with purification, exercises for the eyes, nose, air passages, oesophagus and stomach, abdominal organs, and large intestine.
  • • Basti; • Dhauti; • Neti; • Kapalabhati; • Nauli; • Tratak

Yogic Nutrition

  • How diet effects physically and emotionally.
  • Principles of nutrition
  • Yogic Diet
  • Principal of Ayurveda
  • Ayurvedic Diet

Teaching Practice

    • How to teach basic advanced postures with the right breathing
    • Setting up a proper environment for class
    • General pointers on teaching a class
    • How to take a beginner’s class
    • How to take an advanced class with high intensity
    • Savasana, Relaxationn
    • Dos and Don’ts
    • How to structure a daily class
    • How to take a weight loss class

Affiliated with YCB

Yoga Certification Board certified by Government Of India

Affiliated with Yog Alliance International

An alliance dedicated to devote institutions for authentic Yoga

Registered with Niti Aayog

Registered with Niti Aayog by government of India

Online & Offline Courses

Take classes at your own place, on your own time, and on any device.


Above 50,000+ clients

15+ Years

Since 15+ years in the market leading the path to divine yoga

Our Certifications


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