Corporate wellness

Corporate wellness

Corporate Yoga Program

Learn, Teach & Get Inspired.

Certainly A corporate setting tends to draw in a variety of issues, including stress, worry, fear, and short temper. The corporate yoga program offered by Yog Power International helps address these issues. This problem commonly arises, especially for those who work in corporate offices, and they are helpless to solve it. A person gets increasingly angry when they work long hours in a competitive job with little time for relaxation. Diseases of the body and mind may result from this.

Stress impairs concentration, which increases workload and, ultimately, results in an individual working longer hours than is allowed. Because they are always working, people tend to eat less frequently, miss meals, and eat wrong. It is unlikely that someone with a busy schedule will find time to exercise or eat healthily.

Why Corporate Yoga Programs are Important

Yoga is much more than merely mastering challenging poses and movements. It takes a holistic approach to a person’s wellbeing, personal growth, and physical and mental health.An enhanced version of working silently in a hectic corporate setting is called “Corporate Yoga.” According to a World Health Organization report, depression is the most debilitating illness for the corporate sector, second only to cardiovascular problems. All you need for a yoga class is a few floor mats and a bunch of motivated people who really want to live better, more satisfying lives.

In conclusion, Yog Power International’s corporate yoga program do more for your business than just boost output. is intended and Our Corporate Yoga Program provides ways for employees to attain a work-life balance.

Corporate Yoga
We are offering in corporate companies online / offline yoga classes, zumba classes , aerobics and meditation.
Top Instructors
Our trainers have expertise of yoga training zumba training, aerobics, medidation and dietician
We have Seminar session about Yoga Asanas, Breathing techniques, Meditation, Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle topics.
We have Webinar session for Yoga Asanas, Breathing techniques, Meditation, Ayurvedically Diet and Lifestyle topics

Yog Power International Offerring in Corporate Companies

We made Yoga practice come to the corporate headquarters because a Corporate couldn’t make it.

Yog Power International, in particular, provides a Corporate yoga program for people who find it difficult to put their health first. We use our qualified trainers to teach and mandate regular yoga practice for these employees. Yog Power International Corporate Yoga Programs offers the best yoga disciplines in the form of asanas and meditations for corporates to follow and practice. It acknowledges the value of time management.

Corporate Wellness Programs

Learn, Teach & Get Inspired.
Empower your team with the gift of wellness. Together, we can build a healthier workplace and a brighter future. So, Yog Power International is offering many types of corporate wellness programs which helps physically and mentally for employees.
  • Netra Yoga
  • Mukha Yoga
  • Desk Yoga
  • Chair Yoga
  • Laughter Therapy
  • Chakra Healing
  • Meditation, Stress & Anxiety program
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Zumba Session
  • Aerobic Session
  • Color Therapy
  • Yoga International Day Program
  • Understand about Yogic and ayurvedic diet seminar

Yoga for Corporate Companies

Benefits of Yoga for Corporate Companies Growth

Management and Employees
  • Yoga reduces stress.
  • Yoga brings positive attitude.
  • Loyalty, honesty, integrity and trust
  • A balanced and objective view of life
  • Effective listening
  • Broad-mindedness
  • Interest in encouraging and motivating others
  • Yoga helps to balance work and healthy life

Benefits of Yoga for Corporate Employees

Management and Employees
We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle. The multitude of advantages Corporate Yoga ensures are -
  • De-stress
  • No traveling
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved efficiency
  • Healthier body
  • Stable mind
  • Better sleep
  • Better anger management
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Positive outlook towards life

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