Power Yoga

Power Yoga

Best Power Yoga Teacher Training Course

Learn, Teach & Get Inspired.

Being a teacher is a way of life, not a career. Teaching Yoga also originates from pure compassion and a desire to help others! Course for teaching Power Yoga (Basic and Advanced level) You will become a qualified yoga trainer after receiving this certificate! You can select your area of interest and begin working in it with our Teacher Training Programs. Passionate yogis who want to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and deepen their practice both physically and intellectually are the target audience for the Power Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Benefits of Power Yoga

Learn, Teach & Get Inspired.

Advantages of training to become a power yoga teacher:

  • Increased flexibility and strength
  • Acquire your distinct style.
  • Develop your muscles through asana practice in advance.
  • Discover your inner power and get the rewards of meditation.
  • Acquire a comprehensive series of graceful positions and release any tension in your body.
  • Practice all of the yoga positions’ multi-dynamic possibilities.
  • This transforming curriculum breaks down postures with an emphasis on alignment, safety, and developing your own practice.
  • We will equip you with the necessary resources to conduct an engaging lesson that you can skillfully theme and organize on your own.
  • Furthermore, we are offering personal development and leadership training to assist you in improving as a professional yoga trainer.

Therotical Classes




Course Curriculum.

  • Duration 2 months
  • 100 hours/200 hours.
  • Venue: Offline/ Live sessions on zoom.
  • Batch timings: Batches are arranged as per weekdays and Weekends schedule.
  • 2/3 Hours exclusive training sessions with master teachers
  • Participants will receive PDF.
  • Expert panel of teachers and masters will be available 24/7 for all queries and assistance
  • Special hours to be dedicated for assignment, and self-practice.
  • Growing enthusiasm and interest among Yoga practitioners across the global.
  • 1 hour’s daily training through live sessions.
  • It is a great advantage to people all over the world who wish to be trained in yoga expertise.

Level 1

  • What is yoga.
  • What is power yoga
  • What are general rules for yogi?
  • Right Breathing techniques of yoga
  • What is Surya namaskar?
  • 12 postures of Surya namaskar.
  • Power yoga asanas.
  • Power yoga series
  • Savasana.
  • Examinations:
  • Written
  • Practical’s
  • Viva
  • Project.
  • Certification Programme.

Level 2

  • Introduction.
  • What is Power Yoga?
  • History of Yoga & Power Yoga.
  • Yogic diet, weight loss diet.
  • Bandhas, kriyas Technics.
  • Advance of Yoga Asanas.
  • Core Strengthening series.
  • Flexibility asanas series.
  • Weight Management asanas series.
  • Core Power Yoga Series.
  • Beginner Power Yoga Series.
  • Advance Power Yoga Series.
  • Dynamic Power Yoga Series.
  • Yognidra (meditation).
  • Dos and Don’ts for trainers.
  • Exams similar to Level 1.


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